Thursday, June 21, 2007


About four years ago, I was going thru a very low valley,and one day I was reading the Word and my Father showed me Sabbath. I was shocked because I thought Sunday was Sabbath.

I run to tell my family and my Pastor and they all tell me I am putting myself back under the law. But every time I got alone with Yahweh, He would show me how Israel always got into trouble for not obeying Torah. He even showed me how the shepherds were not feeding the sheep. How the prophets would say God said and Yahweh said I did not send them.

He just kept teaching me. Every time I opened my Bible it was the same. Then I got a computer and found out I was not alone and I was not crazy. That there are Gentiles all over the world that are drawn to want to obey Torah. It is like a fire shut up in my bones, I can not keep quite, even though I know most just keep trying to correct me. Even people I love and have know all my life, still try to correct me.

But I am 50 now and one thing I know is the voice of my beloved and He is the author and the finisher of my faith. And He has put a love of Torah in my heart.

I tried to find a church that teaches Torah observance, but even the one and only Messianic Church 30 miles away, tell me to not put myself back under the law.

I am sick of people playing church. I am sick of playing church. I want to learn Torah and obey Torah because my Master Yahshua is the Torah and I want to be like him.

The good part is first Yahweh showed me Sabbath, then He showed me His names , and then He asked me to love Torah and walk in Torah.

Here are just a few of the scriptures Yahweh used to wake me up to the beauty of Torah. I am only giving you ones that Yahweh showed me in the Word just Him and me, not what I learned from others.
Ezekiel 22: 23-31
Nehemiah chapter 1
Daniel 12:10
Matt 23 What jumped out here was Yahshua said do ALL that they teach, but not what they do, he called them hypocrites
Act 6 and 7 In this one what jumped out was false witnesses and Yahshua not changing Moses
Mark 7 verses 7,8, and 9 jumped out at me, traditions of men over commandments of Yahweh
Acts 15 what jumped out to me was 4 things to do, then Moses read every Sabbath
Acts 24: 13-14
Acts 25: 7 and 8 which they could not prove jumped out at me
Revelations 15:what jumped out was we will be singing both the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb
Revelations 12:17 over came by both jumped out

And there are many many more if you want them.
Not to mention all the times Sabbath is talked about, it is all thru the Bible.

I really believe this is part of bringing Israel in, they will not be jealous of a pagan religion. A mixture!!
They will be jealous of Gentiles wanting to walk in Torah and loving the God of Israel
They know that Yahweh would never change the Torah, because He told them it is forever and for them
to judge any prophet by Moses.

People will die because pastors told them they were "once saved always saved" They do not care for the sheep!
Oh and one more pet peeve of mine. These same pastors that teach that the law is nailed to the cross, teach tithing with mini sermons every Sunday right before they pass the offering plate. I hate that, picking and choosing and not even teaching it right at that. I believe in tithing but then I believe not one jot or title will pass away.

Oh and I forgot about when Yahshua was asked by the rich young ruler how to have eternal life Yahshua said obey THE commandments and the guy asked WHICH ONES and Yahshua QUOTED most of the 10 commandments.
And Him saying IF you love me obey my commandments, and Him saying the ones not teaching commandments will be least in the Kingdom/

I see it as one plan of salvation for the house of Israel and I am grafted into the common-wealth of Israel
The new covenant with the house of Israel written on my heart.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is worthy
The King of Israel
That`s just how I have been taught by my Abba

Well my walk goes on and I want to hear the voice of my beloved!!


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